Theme: Take a Stand
Adults aren’t the only ones with convictions and values. We know children care just as much as—maybe even more than—adults about what’s going on in this world. Now more than ever it’s necessary we have conversations with the youth of this world to know and fight for what they believe in, for what’s right and good. Let’s talk about what it means to Take a Stand.
The specifics:
Window: Submissions will be accepted January 15-February 10. Anticipated publication March 2025.
Guidelines: All ages welcome. Submitters under the age of 16 will need parental consent to publish.
Content should be considered safe for readers ages 5-14.
Genres: One entry per genre, please
Poetry, including prose poems: One poem- Read by Kristin.
Flash and Microfiction: One story- maximum of 1500 words – read by Melissa
Visual Art: Illustration only please, up to two images (jpg or png) – joint editorial decision
(All final decisions are joint)
Format: Please submit your work using our Google Form, which will go live on the website when submissions open on January 15. Attach your file as a Doc or docx (If this is a problem submit how you need to and give us a heads up in your email), saved as either fiction or poetry followed by your last name.
Art submissions should be submitted as jpg or png and saved as Art followed by your last name.
Simultaneous submissions and previously published work are welcome; please note the original publication so we may give appropriate credit.
All submissions will receive a response prior to publication.