Written by Tim Murphy
I measure time by the angle
dim slivers of light enter my room
each morning from behind
ever-closed curtains, by the way
their faint glow subtly shifts
through the day, until it fades
beyond the reach of dusk.

One year bedbound, I lose track 
of the natural world, the only place 
I didn’t question if I belonged. 
Yet strains of it still drift 
through walls in birdsong, 
distant banter of crows,
whispered echoes of rain. 

Spring’s finches grow 
chummy in summer. 
Each day, around noon 
settling on the windowsill
just above my head, bathing
in the warmth of the sun 
for much of the afternoon. 

I can’t see them 
but hear soft scraping 
of claws scampering about, 
occasional fluttering of wings,
bickerings over who sits where. 
And for these brief moments
I am not lonely.

First published in Wordgathering


Tim Murphy (he/him) is a disabled poet bedbound with Long COVID and ME. His writing explores chronic illness, disability justice, and the more-than-human world. Tim’s poetry appears in Louisiana Literature, Kaleidoscope, Wordgathering, Writers Resist, and in the books, The Long COVID Reader and Songs of Revolution. Instagram and Twitter @brokenwingpoet.